Opti-LOG Funding Programme: Bando Smart Cities della Regione Lombardia Period: 2014 - 2015 |
SMART MAINTENANCE Funding Programme: Fondi POR FESR 2007-2013 Regione Lombardia / FAR MIUR Period: 2012 - 2014 |
SMELLER (Sistema di Monitoraggio Emissioni di singoLi veicoLi in tEmpo Reale) Funding Programme: Fondi POR FESR 2007-2013 Regione Lombardia Period: 2012 - 2013 (CMR acting as subcontractor) |
PARK-ID (Intelligent transportation system for automatic parking regulation and payment) Funding Programme: POR FESR 2007-2013 Bando ATP (Aree Tematiche Prioritarie) Period: 2010 - 2012 |
H2O LEAK (Water Leaks localization system within water supply networks) Funding Programme: POR FESR 2007-2013 Bando ATP (Aree Tematiche Prioritarie) Period: 2010 - 2011 (CMR acting as subcontractor) |
PANDA (Integrated platform for the design and production high throughput enzymes and peptides) Funding Programme: Bando Metadistretti /Biotecnologie, Regione Lombardia Period: 2006- 2008 |
TRADE (Tracking RFID-based Agents in Distribuited Environment) Funding Programme: Bando Metadistretti /ICT, Regione Lombardia, Period: 2006 - 2008 |
BIOBRESSO Funding Programme: FSE Fondo Sociale Europeo Period: 2004 - 2005 |
BIOINFORMATICA Funding Programme: FSE Fondo Sociale Europeo Period: 2002 - 2003 |